Cottage Food Laws

Dates: May 12, 2025

Meets: M from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Location: MPCC-Valentine Community Campus

Registration: $30.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

In 2019, Nebraska passed a bill (LB 304) allowing individuals to sell homemade foods already authorized for sale at farmers' markets directly to consumers from the producer's home, fairs, festivals, other public events or online for pick-up or delivery-all within the state of Nebraska. On July 19, 2024, Nebraska updated the cottage food law with LB262. This expanded the types of foods cottage food producers could sell, including some that are considered TCS foods. Learn more about the regulations to sell and fulfill the requirements to become a registered cottage food producer by taking this class.
Fee: $30.00

MPCC-Valentine Community Campus

715 E Hwy 20
Valentine, NE 69201

Brittany Spieker


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